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Click the button at the top right: REGISTER
Follow these steps to register:
Select 'SETTINGS' under the top right menu.
Go to your profile page
Upload your profile picture (avatar)
Load up your cover photo
Sign out
Profile details
About me
Only registered users who are logged in can always see your basic consult profile details. It covers:
Only your friends can find this information on your profile page (profile info).
Each club manager has additional user rights and can:
You cannot change your member type yourself. Please send us an email and we do the necessary!
You can post a message by going to the general message page OR to your profile page. In the text box, you can type your message and then choose who can see it:
Public (visible to all)
Just me
Friends only
Members only
In addition, you can choose where you want to post the message:
You can post these types of messages:
Status (default text message)
Want to find a post easily later? Add it to your bookmarks! Click on the three dots (...) at the top right of the header. On a PC, you have to hover over the message header before the option appears.
Click 'Post' to publish your post.
At the top right of the menu, you'll see this icon:
Click on it and follow the instructions. Have fun chatting!
You can only delete your post, not edit it.
When publishing a post, you can choose who can see it.
Of course! Type '@' and the first letters of that person's name. Choose from the list who it is about. That person will then get a notification.
Go to the message. At the bottom, you will see these options:
You may always email this to
Always state:
The team at PickleballFans is doing the necessary as soon as possible.
As friends, you have more interaction options, such as:
Private messaging is not limited to friends. This allows you to send messages to anyone, regardless of whether you are friends.
Groups are community spaces where members with shared interests can come together.
A group can serve for:
There are three types of groups with different levels of privacy:
You can invite only friends to your group. Go to the group and click "Invite members", and select friends from your list.
You can manage your group by searching for your group on the groups page, or from your profile page / More / groups.
Any club manager can/may publish activities:
Club managers can manage activities through their profile page. Select Tournaments and Events in the menu and follow the instructions.
Even if the club organising the activity is not yet listed on PickleballFans, you can already publish the activity. Under 'Enter data' choose Highly necessary data. You then fill in only the following fields:
Click "Publish" and the activity will automatically be placed in the appropriate group. Members will receive a notification (if enabled).
To add all the details, for example one or more days, game types or contacts, it is advisable to fill in all the details. This may seem like a lot of work, but it is well worth it for the findability and promotion of your activity. Moreover, you can reuse existing data from previous editions, so you're ready quickly.
All fields marked with a red * are mandatory. The fields below are not mandatory but may be valuable:
Every club leader will see an additional tab on their profile page. On this page, you can create and manage new activities.
You can go for all your questions in the public group 'Help desk‘!
Our team will help you as soon as possible. Of course, you may also help each other 🙂
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Want to install our PickleballFans app? Look for the share icon (see left: a square with an upward arrow) in your browser. Choose 'Add to home screen' or 'Add to dock'.
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