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Click the button at the top right: REGISTER

Follow these steps to register:

  • Fill in your details such as your username, e-mail address, etc.
  • Choose your club:
    • Does your club already exist? Select it from the list.
    • Does your club not exist yet? Ask your club's president to become a member, if not already. The president can then create a club. Then select your club via Profile settings > Profile data > Member of one or more clubs.
  • Choose your member type:
    • Club member: Choose this option if you are just a club member.
    • Club manager: Choose this option if you are the club's manager or point of contact.
    • Important: After registration, only someone from the Pickleballfans Team can edit your role.
  • You will receive a confirmation mail containing an activation link (along with an Activation Key). Open the link and activate your account. Now you can log in: good luck exploring!
  • Check your spam folder.
  • Wait a few minutes; sometimes it takes a while.
  • If you still don't see anything, request a new confirmation e-mail on the password recovery page

Select 'SETTINGS' under the top right menu.

Top icons


Go to your profile page


Upload your profile picture (avatar)


Load up your cover photo


Sign out

profile settings
Profile settings


Profile details

  • Here you can edit your basic details such as your clubs, level, etc.
  • Confirm with the 'Save changes' button.


About me

  • Update your about me details such as your e-mail (this is not necessarily your account e-mail address!)
  • Confirm with the 'Save changes' button.

account settings
Account settings

  • Click on 'Account settings'.
  • Change your account details such as your account email address.
  • Confirm with the 'Save changes' button.

More info

  • Click on 'More info'.
  • Choose what you wish to customise: About me, Skills, Portfolio, etc.
  • Confirm with the 'Save changes' button.
Profile details

Only registered users who are logged in can always see your basic consult profile details. It covers:

  • Your first name and surname
  • Your profile picture and cover photo
  • Your member type: club member or responsible
  • Your registration date and when you were last active
About me 

Only your friends can find this information on your profile page (profile info).

Messages and other publications
  • Posts you post publicly can be seen by anyone.
  • Messages you put in a private group can only be seen by the members of that group.
  • Private messages can only be seen by the person(s) in that private or group chat.
  • Tournaments and events can be seen by anyone, including people who are not logged in.
  • Club data can be seen by anyone. For those not logged in, only club members' names are shown in addition to the essential data.

Each club manager has additional user rights and can:

  • Create/manage club(s) (profile page / tab profile settings)
  • Publish/manage tournaments or events (profile page / tab tournaments and events)
To remove a club, please contact via email: In your request, you should clearly state why you wish to remove your club.

You cannot change your member type yourself. Please send us an email and we do the necessary!

You can post a message by going to the general message page OR to your profile page. In the text box, you can type your message and then choose who can see it:

Public (visible to all)

Just me

Friends only

Members only

In addition, you can choose where you want to post the message:

  • My profile
  • In a group you have access to

You can post these types of messages:

Status (default text message)








Want to find a post easily later? Add it to your bookmarks! Click on the three dots (...) at the top right of the header. On a PC, you have to hover over the message header before the option appears.

Click 'Post' to publish your post.

At the top right of the menu, you'll see this icon:

Click on it and follow the instructions. Have fun chatting!

You can only delete your post, not edit it.

When publishing a post, you can choose who can see it.

Of course! Type '@' and the first letters of that person's name. Choose from the list who it is about. That person will then get a notification.

Go to the message. At the bottom, you will see these options:




You may always email this to

Always state:

  • who posted the message
  • when the message is posted
  • where to find the message and what is inappropriate

The team at PickleballFans is doing the necessary as soon as possible. 

  • Add friend: Find the person on the member page and/or go to their profile page and click "Add Friendship". The other person must accept before you are friends.
  • Following someone: Find the person on the members' page and/or go to their profile page and click "Follow". This is done immediately, without approval.
  • Friendship: This is a mutual connection. You send a friendship request and the other person has to accept before you are friends.
  • Follow: This is a one-sided action. You can follow someone without them having to follow you back. You will see their public posts, but this does not provide any additional interaction opportunities.

As friends, you have more interaction options, such as:

  • See friends' private messages (depending on which setting is chosen when publishing the message).
  • View more profile details (About me).
  • Send invitations to join your group(s).

Private messaging is not limited to friends. This allows you to send messages to anyone, regardless of whether you are friends.

  • Ending friendship: Find the person on the members' page and/or go to the profile and click on "End Friendship". This removes the connection completely.
  • Unfollow: Find the person on the member page and/or go to their profile and click "Unfollow". This stops showing their posts in your timeline, but otherwise does not change the interaction.

Groups are community spaces where members with shared interests can come together.

A group can serve for:

  • Discussions on a specific topic.
  • Collaboration within a team or project.
  • Events or clubs within the community.
  • Exclusive content, only accessible to group members.

There are three types of groups with different levels of privacy:

  • Public: Anyone can view the group and become a member without approval.
  • Private: Only members can see the content, and new members have to be approved.
  • Hidden: Not visible to non-members. Accessible by invitation only.
Create group and invite members
It's easier and less work than it looks! Every step is adequately explained during group creation.
Herewith an overview:
  • Go to the Groups page and click on "Create a group".
  • Enter a name and description.
  • Determine privacy options by choosing a group type (Public, Private (private) or Hidden).
  • Choose which members of the group may invite others
  • Choose the default setting for e-mail subscriptions.
  • Add a group image and cover photo if necessary.
  • Choose friends you want to invite right away.
  • Click "Finish" to create the group.
Inviting members

You can invite only friends to your group. Go to the group and click "Invite members", and select friends from your list.

You can manage your group by searching for your group on the groups page, or from your profile page / More / groups.

Group roles
  • Administrator: Has full control over the group, can change settings, delete members, appoint moderators and delete the group.
  • Moderator: Can manage posts, alert members and delete posts, but cannot change settings or delete the group.
  • Members: Can post and comment, but not change settings.
Key management options
  • Customise group settings: Administrators can change the name, description, privacy settings and group images.
  • Managing members: Administrators and moderators can delete or block members.
  • Moderating discussions: In a group with a forum, administrators and moderators can edit or delete posts.
  • Leaving group: Go to the group and click "Leave group". This is possible only if you are not an administrator.
  • Delete group: Go to Settings → Delete group. This permanently deletes the group and all its contents. A group can only be deleted by the administrator(s).

Any club manager can/may publish activities:

    • Tournaments: Pickleball tournaments are organised competitions for players of all levels, ranging from local meets to international championships. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional, there is a tournament to suit you.
    • Events: Besides the competitive tournaments, there are also numerous pickleball events that revolve around fun and coming together: training sessions & workshops, 

Club managers can manage activities through their profile page. Select Tournaments and Events in the menu and follow the instructions.

Quickly publish an activity

Even if the club organising the activity is not yet listed on PickleballFans, you can already publish the activity. Under 'Enter data' choose Highly necessary data.  You then fill in only the following fields:

  • Title (add year if necessary for reuse)
  • Link to registrations (mandatory)
  • Type of activity (tournament or event)
  • Start and end date

Click "Publish" and the activity will automatically be placed in the appropriate group. Members will receive a notification (if enabled).

Enter all data

To add all the details, for example one or more days, game types or contacts, it is advisable to fill in all the details. This may seem like a lot of work, but it is well worth it for the findability and promotion of your activity. Moreover, you can reuse existing data from previous editions, so you're ready quickly.

Not compulsory, but useful

All fields marked with a red * are mandatory. The fields below are not mandatory but may be valuable:

  • Poster (upload a poster of the activity)
  • Atmosphere photos (from previous editions, for example)
  • Description (an attractive text to convince potential participants)
  • Increase visibility: The more information you share, the better your tournament will be findable in search engines and on the platform itself, thus reaching a larger audience.
  • Show all the details and build credibility. Your professionalism and reliability will attract serious participants as well as valuable sponsors.
  • Improve the experience for visitors: Complete event and tournament pages make the platform more attractive and easier to navigate, leading to more interaction and a stronger community around activities.

Every club leader will see an additional tab on their profile page. On this page, you can create and manage new activities.

  • At the top, you will see the 'Create a new tournament or event' button
  • You can see, change or delete all your activities. 

You can go for all your questions in the public group 'Help desk‘!

Our team will help you as soon as possible. Of course, you may also help each other 🙂

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